Who is the Boss of You? (Giveaway)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My son is the boss of me. Really. He is 7 and he's completely in charge. It's okay though. It works for us. The little man is the boss of me. The big man is the boss of him. And I am the boss of the big man. See? Works!

But really. Who is the boss of you? Is your clutter the boss of you? (Hint: If you're paying for off-site storage because it's easier than sorting through the stuff, then ya. Clutter's your boss.) Are your kids the boss of you? Is your boss the boss of you?

Your boss is anyone dictating what you do with your time. Now. Don't get me wrong. That's not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, I think it's best to simply know who your boss is and relinquish power. Otherwise, they'll still be your boss and you'll just be resentful.

Besides, diapers must be changed. Kids must be fed. Husbands need love. Work must be done. And you're the gal for the job.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't set up boundaries for your bosses though. Your boss at work shouldn't be telling you what to do at home. Think about your bosses. How do you set boundaries for them?

At the risk of revealing what a dork I am, allow me to use a Star Trek example. (Is it redeeming at all that I have to look up all of the Trek cast members names online? No? Just checking.) The Enterprise would end up in a pickle and Captain Kirk would always ask Scotty how long the repair would take.

Scotty (imagine Scottish accent): "No less than 10 hours Captain."
Captain Kirk: "Make it 8 Scotty."
Scotty (blustering): "Impossible!"
And then he'd do it in 6.

Okay, well, that's how I remember it anyway. Scotty always exceeded expectations because Scotty was a boundary-setting-genius.

I'm not suggesting you lie about how long a certain task will take you but know your limitations and make sure your boss knows them too. Your conversation might go something like this:

Kid/boss: "Moooom. What's for dinner?"
You (with a Scottish accent): "Sweety, I already told you, I'm working on this. Dinner will be at 6. And it will be something you don't like."
Kid/boss: "I'm hungry now!"
You: "Tough."
And then you have dinner ready at 5:30.

Okay, well, you get the idea. You can work out the specifics of your script.

My son is an only child and sometimes he expects all of the attention from all of the people all of the time. When he was younger, I used this to teach him boundaries:

I would write what I was going to do in the blank and he'd put up a picture of what he was going to do during the same time. Sometimes we'd be doing the same thing. Sometimes not. But he started learning there were times he could have my attention and times he'd have to wait. Plus, he was excited to do his own stuff! It was fun for him to set boundaries too.

You can read more about this product here. Or you could WIN one by leaving a comment. Your chances to win are really, really good because I don't have a lot of readers or followers yet. I'm closing the contest on 4/20 at midnight.

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